lunes, 11 de octubre de 2010

Ingles Activity 50: Verb To Be

1. Complete with am, is or are.

a. The weather ___ very nice today.             
 b. I___not tired.

 c. This suitcase___very heavy.

 d. The dog ___ asleep.

 e. These suitcases___ very heavy.

 f. Look! There ___ Carol.
g. I ___ hot. Can you open the window please?

h. This bridge ___ one hundred years old.

i. My brother and I ___ good tennis player.

j. Ann ___ home but her children ___ at school.

k. I ___ a student. My sister ___ an architect.

2. Write positive or negative sentences. Use am/ am not/ is/ isn’t/ are/ aren’t.

a. (Paris/ the capital of France) ____________________________________
b. (I/ interested in sports)         _____________________________________
c. (I/ hungry)                             _____________________________________
d. (It/ warm today)                    _____________________________________
e. (Rome/ in Spain)                  _____________________________________                  
f. (I/ afraid of dogs)                   _____________________________________
g. (My Hands/ cold)                  _____________________________________
h. (Canada/ very cold country) _____________________________________
I. (Brazil/ in Africa)                    _____________________________________
j. (Diamond / cheap)                 _____________________________________
k. (Boxing/ dangerous sport)    _____________________________________
l. (Cats/ big animals)                 _____________________________________

3. Write questions from these words. Use am, is or are

a. (Your mother home)    _________________________________________
b. (Your parents home)   _________________________________________
c. (This hotel expensive) _________________________________________
d. (You interested in art) _________________________________________
e. (The stores open today)  _______________________________________
f. (The Zoo open today)  _________________________________________

4. Write positive or negative short answers. (Yes, I am/ No, he isn’t, etc )

a. Are you married?    ________________________________
b. Are you tall?            ________________________________
c. Is it cold today?       ________________________________
d. Are you teacher?    ________________________________
e. Are you tired?          ________________________________
f. Is it dark now?          ________________________________
g. Are you hands cold?________________________________
h. Are you hungry?      ________________________________
i. Is your father tall?     ________________________________
j. Is it Sunny?               ________________________________