lunes, 11 de octubre de 2010

Ingles Activity 47: Professions and Occupations

1. Look the pictures and write something about this famous people.

 Simon Bolivar


Cristobel Colon


Gabriel García Márquez


2. Complete the blanks with the followings words. Use cleaner, secretary, mechanic, artist, musician, salesperson and singer.

a. He is a famous _____________. You can see his paintings at the Art Museum.
b. Mr Harrison’s _____________ types very quickly and she speaks two languages.
c. She’s a wonderful _____________. She plays the piano and the guitar.
d. Paul is not a(n) ______________, so he can’t fix your car.
e. Fred Rogers is _____________ of the year. He sells cars.
f. The _____________ washes the window every Friday.
g. He’s a great ________________ and he can dance well, too.

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